Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Mr. Toad's Wild Ride

This summer has been reminiscent of Mr. Toad's Wild Ride.  Have had quite a few jumps, and sharp turns, but have always been able to make it back home.  The Lord has been very faithful in everything that I do.  I may not understand the why or the what for, but I don't need to.  I just need to trust.
My father passed away this summer, after battling a year with lung cancer, and permit me to say, cancer stinks.  I made it there the day he died, so I'm thankful for that.  They say he waited for me.  Even though we knew he had a limited time of life, there is just no preparing.  My mom is distraught.  I stayed with her for six weeks, but I had to come home to my family.  We can only pray that she will come and live with us.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Completing my "want to's"

It's been a while since my last post. I'm not sure why it takes me so long between posts. A lot has been going on in my life, so it's not for lack of subject matter. Maybe it's my insecurity about my writing. I've wanted to be a writer for so long, but have been too scared to actually pursue my dream. Not anymore! About 8 years ago, I went on a women's retreat. It was incredible. At the end, we wrote out a list of what I call "want to's". All but one has come to fruition...writing a book. There, I said it, out loud. "I want to write a book, no, I'm supposed to write a book." If there is anybody out there reading this, you can comment and help me with my accountability. I would be appreciative.
Something else has been on my mind. I never finished college. I think about this all the time, especially with my oldest getting ready to attend college in the fall. I've decided to go back and finish my degree in Writing/Journalism/English. All it took was a couple of phone calls to my old university to find my transcripts, which I'm not entirely proud of, but it could have been worse. Next step is deciding where to go and sending them the information. I'm excited about this new chapter in my life. There is something about finishing something that was started so long ago. I'm praying that God keeps this door open, and that it's his approval, his encouragement, and his honor that I seek. If that is my goal, how can I fail.